
For those who live in Tokyo

List of public shelters opened to stranded Tokyoites at the bottom of this page. http://bit.ly/idHCRT Fon has decided to open our WiFi network in Japan to all for free http://htn.to/3LUGwE 지진 피해를 받은 한국인, 재일 동포 여러분에게 외교…

General (update 2011.03.16 03:00pm)

TEPCO informed the rolling blackouts in Kanto area. Rolling Blackouts Area Search System (unofficial) http://machi.userlocal.jp/teiden/en.php The group area of blackouts is showed at http://www.tepco.co.jp/cc/press/betu11_j/images/110314m.…


ひとりでは生きられないのも芸のうち (文春文庫)作者: 内田樹出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋発売日: 2011/01/01メディア: 文庫購入: 5人 クリック: 21回この商品を含むブログ (26件) を見る街場の大学論 ウチダ式教育再生 (角川文庫)作者: 内田樹出版社/メーカー…